English 4 - Blog post 1: A country you would like to visit



Iceland is place that I would like to know, I find the idea of people living in a place inhospitable for most of the year something weird, but I like it. The politics of living under the lowest pollution emissions is something that I respect a lot and I would like to know how people lives there. 

It’s known as a very cold country, and it is, it has 3 months of summer and the other 9 are winter, in summer there are days where you have daylight all day and in winter days where the sun doesn’t go up at all. Still, it has one the best views I have seen, there is waterfall where the rocks have geometric forms, and it has many volcanoes (I love climbing volcanoes, one of my favourites from Chile is the Antuco). 


As I said before, knowing how people lives in the country is one of the principal goals of my future visit there, but is not everything I want to do there. Visiting some of the natural reserves they have, some of the volcanoes and see the aurora borealis in its splendour is something I must do if go there one day. 

I would really love to live there, mainly because I would like to live in a country that has good health, good education (if I have children's someday) or knowing that more people around me are preoccupied with the environment it’s a way of life that I like a lot. Still, there is something of Chile that I cannot let go for now, from my studies to my family. 

Take care. 


  1. Iceland is very unique in it's own way and that incredible and unlikely nature makes it even more intriguing, it's absolutely worth to go and explore by your own! You can find very beautiful and natural landscapes there.

  2. There is no doubt that iceland is a rather unusual country.


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