
Showing posts from October, 2023

Blog post 5 Topic: Changes to my study programme

    I'm from the faculty of science of the university of Chile, where my  professional and a scientist training took place and I ended liking it very much, I feel that I am what I am today because of this training. Because of th is, I feel that my view of the faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy could be biased, which doesn’t change that I may be true.    I have many things that I would like to change from the faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy , like the green areas, infrastructure, teaching methods, available teachers , courses not specific to the career and the way the evaluations are made. To express my opinion in an o rderly manner, I will talk about each topic separately.   Green areas: in the campus the faculty of science was, Juan Gomez Millas, there were many green areas where you could and get away from the academic pace. That is something this faculty is missing, there is no place where you can go and relax from some minutes.   Infrastructure: This is the biggest

English 4 - Time travel to the past or future

  There was a time in my life when I would have loved to travel back in time, specifically to the middles ages in europe. Living my life traveling between towns and settlement s, meeting different people and most importantly, having a life in the road, is something that I longed when I was a teenager. But after I started my studies in the science faculty, I discovered a new topic that makes me feel like a fi sh in the ocean, the universe. I didn’t really discover that topic there, but I began to understand  it on a scientific level, and that understanding made me have a new fantasy , and that would be to travel around the universe and discover its secrets .   Right now , I would love to travel to the future, to a time when spaceships already exist, and you c ould live discovering the universe and its secrets. The nerd in me makes me study the universe i n my free time , and stay up to date with the news that surrounds it , it is so true that when they managed to take a