English 3, Post 2, 'Why did I choose my major (study program)?


When I was a child, I though about being a veterinary, I always had a strong relationship with animals, so it was something natural to want to be. It was like that until one day I found a cat almost dead by the road, the poor thing was bitten by a dog, and I got really shocked by that (I was between 6-8 years old), my mother explained to me that those things happened usually and that a veterinary was going to put him down, since it was better for the cat. After that I decided not to be a veterinary and wanted to study music, I started playing piano since I was 6 years old, and stopped playing at my 16’s, my family had a strong resistance with this idea, since to them “musicians are not paid well enough to have a good life”.

After I finished my school education, I wanted to study something relationated with chemistry, but couldn’t decide what, so I decided to get a Bachelor of Science degree with a major in chemistry, which I already finished. I really didn’t have other options, since if I couldn’t get into this career, I was going to take the year off and decide if I studied something else or not.

Last year I entered to study Chemistry and Pharmacy in the same university, I decided to continue with this career since I found in it an opportunity to use all that I learned in my degree to the wellbeing of others (I had to explain this in a letter to get into the career) and that will give me the opportunity to find work wherever city I want to live in the future.  

My experience at university until now it’s has been good. Socially speaking, it has been good, I have met a lot of people (more than I’m comfortable with), but in the academic and professional area it has been a little bit rocky. When I was in my 3rd year of my last career, I found myself in a situation where I was really stressed, I just had a really bad semester (in the amount of things I had to do) and I started to feel like I dedicated all that time in a title that wouldn’t get me anywhere, so I had to freeze my studies when I started my 4th year until I could pull myself together again. This career has been a little bit weird, last year I felt like I wasn’t studying (because of the online mode) and for this year I don’t have an opinion formed.

Thanks for reading this long text.


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