English 3, Post 6 [Final], tell us about a career-oriented website you enjoy visiting.

The true is that I don’t enjoy any page that I enjoy visiting (or have any person that I admire), I don’t feel emotionally attached to people or websites from work/studies. But if I must name one, it would be Vademecum.es, this page is a database for medicines, I usually visit this page to study since it has a lot of information (and detailed) about how the medicine work, if it has any problem when using other medicines and secondary effects. For some medicines you need to have an account to be able to get the information, since they have psychotropics effects and the knowledge can be used for other purposes.

I cannot tell how often I visit this page isn’t something easy to tell, since I visit it when my studies require it, but I would say from one or twice a week. I would recommend this page to any student and professional from pharmaceutical chemistry to use it, since it’s recognized by the authorities as an official database.

Sorry about the lateness of this blog, I had the idea that I have already done it. 

Good luck, and thanks for reading.


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